Why do you want to be in projectskinnyboy?
I want to be apart of Project Skinny to show that even when you're not the biggest, or have the most muscle, you can still be comfortable and confident about yourself. I have been the "little guy" my entire life, yet have accomplished just as much as my friends and family that I have always been smaller than. I may not be the hottest thing jumping out of the coffee pot, yet I carry myself well and work out consistently to stay in shape. In a world that judges predominantly off of image, I am one who has grown to love who I am, and not let other peoples opinions dictate who I see when I look in the mirror.
What is your biggest struggle in life right now?
The biggest struggle I have currently is I rush too many things in my life. I'm at an age where I feel as though I should have everything together, yet I find myself still trying to build a life of success and comfort. I have been working on slowing down and learning to live my best life one moment at a time.
What inspires you more than anything in life right now?
Traveling is a great inspiration to me in my life. I grew up in foster care with quite a few different homes throughout my childhood, and became an emaciated adult around the age of 16. I did not have many chances of travelling to new places, or experiencing what different cultures have to offer. I'm working hard to place myself in a position where I can take these trips, learn how cultures differ, and personally experience differences within changing demographics.
Clayton Gearhart of Memphis, TN with cover photo by pttheproducer.