
Marcus Scott

Marcus Scott

Marcus @marsco413 22 of Chicopee, MA;”While mental health does exist it doesn't exist to give you excuses on why you're unsatisfied with your life. It's ok to be depressed and feel to feel a certain way, but IT IS NOT OK TO STAY THAT WAY! Are you mad because you don't get girls? Do something about it. Think about who would you date you. Are you depressed because of the way you look? Get in the freaking gym. It's harsh to hear these words but NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU! NO ONE IS GOING TO DO ANYTHING FOR YOU!!

It is up to you to look at where you are now and say NO MORE.

1. No you won't be a part of that toxic relationship.

2. No you won't keep sabotaging your goals.

3. No you won't keep complaining about things you have control over.

And most importantly you won't blame anyone or ANYTHING for the life you live today. Let's be better.”




Marcus @marsco413 22 of Chicopee, MA is my cousin. He’s always at the family cookouts and I knew I wanted him to be a part of projectskinnyboy when I saw a post he did last year about taking personal responsibility where he said;”While mental health does exist it doesn't exist to give you excuses on why you're unsatisfied with your life. It's ok to be depressed and feel to feel a certain way, but IT IS NOT OK TO STAY THAT WAY!