Why do you want to be in projectskinnyboy?
My entire life people have always called me “birdy”, “birdchest”, etc. And i’m ready for everyone to know that I’m completely confident with how my body looks and that others who go through the same issue should be able to walk with confidence without a shirt.
What is your biggest struggle in life right now?
My biggest fear at the current moment is leaving my mother behind to pursue my dreams of becoming a singer and actor. Her health has been on and off for the past few years, but I know that I cannot let my life stop for her.
What inspires you more than anything in life right now?
Honestly, it is my uber/lyft passengers.. they keep me going and always keep me smiling. They motivate me to follow all of my passions. I have better conversations with my uber/lyft friends more than people I talk to on a regular basis lol!